A reference surface or point used as a basis for elevation or position measurements.
The angle between true north and magnetic north at a given location.
A legal document describing property boundaries and ownership.
The angle between the prolongation of the previous line and the forward line.
An electronic instrument that provides automatic reading of height differences.
The length or interval between two points or objects.
Daily variations in measurements due to earth's rotation and atmospheric conditions.
The process of creating technical drawings from survey data.
Natural or artificial removal of surface and subsurface water from an area.
Digital Terrain Model - a 3D representation of terrain surface.
A right to use another's land for a specific purpose.
The eastward-measured distance in a coordinate system.
Electronic Distance Measurement - technology used to measure distances.
Height above or below a reference datum.
Unauthorized extension of a structure onto adjacent property.
The terminal point of a survey line or traverse.
Survey for design and construction of engineering projects.
Height of survey instrument above ground point.
Study of measurement uncertainties and their propagation.
A permanent marker of known position and elevation.
Notebook for recording survey measurements and notes.
Survey activities performed on site.
Material added to raise ground elevation.
Highest precision survey classification.
A survey point with known coordinates.
A sight taken on a new point to be established.
Survey to establish building foundation location.
The width of a property along a street or road.
A survey station at 100-foot intervals.
Survey to determine flood-prone areas.
Science of earth measurement and mapping.
Location expressed in latitude and longitude.
Earth's theoretical sea-level surface.
Geographic Information System - system for managing spatial data.
Global Navigation Satellite System.
Slope of a line or surface.
Network of lines forming squares or rectangles.
Survey points of known position used as reference.
Global Positioning System - satellite-based positioning system.
Determination of elevation differences using horizontal line of sight.
Simple leveling device held in hand.
Elevation of telescope axis above datum.
Angle measured in a horizontal plane.
Network of points with known horizontal positions.
Distance measured in a horizontal plane.
Wooden stake used as temporary survey marker.
Survey for road construction and maintenance.
Survey of bodies of water and underwater features.
Study and mapping of earth's elevation variations.
Curve in a horizontal plane connecting two lines.
Inertial Measurement Unit - device for measuring orientation.
Systematic error in angle measurement.
Measurement computed from other measurements.
Method of locating point by observing from two known positions.
Metal alloy with low thermal expansion used in precise measurement.
Metal rod used as survey marker.
Line of equal magnetic declination.
Point where survey instrument is set up.
Angle inside a polygon at a vertex.
Calculation of bearing and distance between two points.