Land Surveyors United Logo

Advanced Network RTK Training Simulator

Advanced Controls

Network Configuration

Environmental Factors

GNSS Settings

Advanced Settings

10° 25°

Simulation Controls

1x 5x 10x

Data Export

About This Simulator

This advanced Network RTK simulator is designed to help land surveyors understand and practice with real-world RTK surveying scenarios before heading into the field. It provides a safe, controlled environment to:

This simulator is an integral part of the LEARN Program, a joint initiative between NSPS and Land Surveyors United. It can be incorporated into course materials and training programs to provide hands-on experience with modern surveying techniques.

As a community-driven tool, your feedback and suggestions are valuable in making this simulator more effective and realistic. Please share your experiences and ideas to help improve this training resource for all surveyors.

Satellites: 14 GPS, 12 GLONASS, 8 Galileo
Network Status: Connected (VRS)
Position Quality: Fixed RTK (14mm H, 22mm V)
Data Link: NTRIP (2.4kb/s)
Alerts: No current alerts