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If you are new to the land surveyor's community, this page is for you- welcome to  Land Surveyors United! You are now part of the largest grassroots network of Land Surveyors on Earth and a multi-media social experiment that had never been tried in the land surveying industry before we began building back in 2007. This is the first time in history that land surveyors have a place that they can not only ask and share help with questions pertaining to the profession, but also contribute photos, video and blogging resources with others who have many of the same experiences as you every day. To ensure that you get the most out of this network there are at least 3 things that you should do to get started:
1) Fill out your profile and picture (customize if you like)
2) Familiarize yourself with the sections of the site such as Photos, Videos, Apps, etc.
3) Start a discussionor contribute to one already started..

If you are new to the land surveyor's community, this page is for you- welcome to  Land Surveyors United! You are now part of the largest grassroots network of Land Surveyors on Earth and a multi-media social experiment that had never been tried in the land surveying industry before we began building back in 2007. This is the first time in history that land surveyors have a place that they can not only ask and share help with questions pertaining to the profession, but also contribute photos, video and blogging resources with others who have many of the same experiences as you every day. To ensure that you get the most out of this network there are at least 3 things that you should do to get started:
1) Fill out your profile and picture (customize if you like)
2) Familiarize yourself with the sections of the site such as Photos, Videos, Apps, etc.
3) Start a discussionor contribute to one already started..