Elevation Loop Checklist


Step Checkbox Elevation Backsight Station Number Latitude Longitude Notes


How To Use This Tool and Provide Feedback

How to Use the Elevation Level Loop Checklist

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for land surveyors to use the Elevation Level Loop Checklist. Follow these steps to ensure accurate data collection and efficient workflow during your survey.

Getting Started

  1. Open the Checklist Form: Open the Elevation Level Loop Checklist form on your device.

  2. Review the Checklist Table: Familiarize yourself with the table structure, which includes the following columns:

    • Step
    • Checkbox
    • Elevation
    • Backsight
    • Station Number
    • Latitude
    • Longitude
    • Notes

Filling Out the Checklist

  1. Complete Each Step:

    • Step: The sequential number of the surveying station.
    • Checkbox: Mark this checkbox once you have completed the data entry for that step.
    • Elevation: Enter the elevation measurement for the station.
    • Backsight: Record the backsight measurement.
    • Station Number: Input the station number.
    • Latitude: Enter the latitude coordinates of the station.
    • Longitude: Enter the longitude coordinates of the station.
    • Notes: Add any relevant notes or observations about the station.
  2. Repeat for Each Station: Ensure that each station's data is accurately entered into the table. Use the provided rows for up to 10 stations.

Adding New Stations

  1. Add New Station: If you need to add more than 10 stations, click the "Add New Station" button.
    • This action will add a new row to the table.
    • Fill out the new row with the necessary information as described above.

Calculating Results

  1. Calculate Results:
    • Click the "Calculate Results" button once all necessary data is entered.
    • This button will trigger the calculation logic (to be implemented).
    • An alert or output will display the calculation results.

Resetting the Form

  1. Reset Form:
    • Click the "Reset Form" button to clear all the entered data and reset the form to its initial state.
    • Use this function if you need to start over or correct significant errors.

Exporting Data to Google Sheets

  1. Export to Google Sheets:
    • Click the "Export to Google Sheets" button to export the checklist data to a Google Sheets document.
    • This function facilitates data sharing and further analysis.
    • An alert will confirm the successful export.

Additional Instructions

Technical Support

JavaScript Functions Explanation

The form includes several JavaScript functions to enhance functionality: